Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31,2009

last day of july.can't believe it's almost august.really intense being hs.(i'm a freshman,btw)really lots of pressure.i agree,hs really is scary. :-O i really should be serious.3 more weeks to late.other schools already finished,their exams & are already 2nd quarter.we're so late. O_o really liking p!atd's new perspective. =)) i will definitely catch up on lots of stuff,so i won't get left behind.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29,2009

"things have changed for me & that's okay"

"i wanna live life from a new perspective"

during music composition today,in school,discussed songwriting & being creative.never knew before that songwriting works like that.anyway's found out the name of RyRo & Jon's new band.The Young Veins.Heard their song already.nothing much.still have more quizzes,tasks,projects,hw.[sigh]really lots of pressure.other 1st year section doesn't have pressure.wondering why.O_o

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28,2009

just heard patd's new perspective.awesome song.everything's getting insane these many stuff,hard to catch up.can't believe this is the 7th week of being hs :-O wonder what we're gonna do for music composition tomorrow.can't believe some things aren't just safe anymore.i knew i shouldn't have if i knew.changed seating arrangement in school today.not sure why but i ended up laughing during math today.had quizzes again.

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27,2009

3 days ago,really long day.had a class party.had to prepare.theme for it-costume party.since,i had no real costume,i just wore a spongebob t-shirt XD haha lol.2 days ago,had a field trip.really long day too.i was really hungry at that time.had to wait to go home.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21,2009

today demi's here we go again. =) currently listening to hey monday's hold on of my online friends(VioletMoon) recommended me to listen to =D had 2 quizzes in english today. :-O one is about a story we're currently reading in school.other 1 is spelling.have another long task for that subject.class party on friday.field trip on saturday.yesterday,had a twitter converstation w/ 1 of my online friends.we were talking about patd's pretty odd.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16,2009(Reply To VioletMoon)

hello VioletMoon =)wasn't able to comment on ur blog,'cause there's some error.anyways my reply.
hello.=) i'm still shocked & sad about patd's split.can't believe ryro & jon r leaving.their starting another band & their thinking of a band name.on other bands i listen too,fob(very obvious),plain white t's.all i can say for too i'm looking for band alternative/punk bands that you know that seem interesting?i wanna try listening to other decaydance bands as well haha.all i can say for now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14,2009

"just for the record the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of a.indifference or b.disinterest in what the critics say"got nothing to do.currently listening to patd.they seriously changed plans for the album ever since they left.raining again these a cough.lots of stuff to worry about.still currently liking fob's folie a deux & patd's pretty.odd. =P why is it when i tried to put music on foe there's an error?

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13,2009

got nothing to do as usual.2 days ago heard a new patd song.awesome.intense hw in english,35 #'s.what topic/lesson?sentences.tried to compose a song last night.'cause i was bored.gonna post it here sometime.comments on the song i'm trying to write pls. thanks :) trying to do song writing for a hobby,though i don't have a plan to become a musician.srsly everything's too unfair.rained hard a while ago as usual.i just really don't like that dreaded subject.anyways gonna have heavy stuff on tuesdays.having the same lunch time w/ the other section :) gonna talk to them.really laughed intensely w/ them.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8,2009 "hey moon,please forget to fall down,hey moon don't you go down" :'(

currently listening to pretty odd again.i found out yesterday that RyRo & Jon are leaving PATD.still can't believe that they're leaving patd. =( true,definitely agreeing w/ the fact that they won't be the same anymore w/out them.if it wasn't for them,i wouldn't been able to listen to other bands like The Cab & The Hush Sound.The fact that Northern Downpour was written for their fans,awesome.I wonder if they're ever going to be the same band this time now that half of the band's already album is going to be released next year.gonna sound like a fever you can't sweat out.1 song from it is called new perspective.anyways excited for the album.still sad that they're leaving.because they have different music taste that's why.gone suddenly,just 2 albums.really going to be different,the of the saddest things i've ever heard.really just too painful to believe.listening to their songs back during a fever you can't sweat out & pretty odd,sometimes i kinda find it hard to believe that they're gone.really gonna miss the old patd.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2,2009

high school's just way too studies got harder.can't take it's like heavy things that fall on me then i end up falling down.number of followers on twitter just keep declining & increasing wonder why.someone follows me permanently.some follow me then remove me then gets replaced by someone else.maybe it's because my updates sound weird. XD

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1,2009

hs is a bit boring.only one thing is composition :).giddy because of it.i'm so weird & i sometimes enjoy expressing myself that's why i chose it.and because of my favorite artists