Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dec. 23,2010

2 days until Christmas... Merry Christmas to everyone! :D
Haven't been online because of the extremely crappy connection.Had the class Christmas party last Thursday.Pwned last year's.2 days after,I found out that the Farro brothers were leaving Paramore.(gonna blog about it later.)Also, we had the Christmas program at school.I was very late because my brother said it wouldn't start early,so I missed the our class performance.Rained on that night,kinda boring & it finished too early.Last year's was way better.Like most people,I'm still not feeling that it's nearly Christmas.I'm not sure why,but maybe it's because time is too fast.Wow,how far did my procrastination go?
Had to finish & submit most of that crap yesterday.Thank goodness,I wasn't alone.Turned out that my classmate had stuff to work on too.I have to be serious when it comes to school if I'm gonna transfer to St.Paul QC next school year.Definitely freaking sucks that my school has to give HW every year during Christmas vacation.How the heck am I going to enjoy Christmas when there is school work to be done? 3rd quarter is still gonna continue on January.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Misplaced words & a sinking feeling. November 12,2010

I really don’t enjoy being in high school.I’m just not experiencing the fun stuff that’s supposed to happen.There’s so much pressure,lots of stuff to do,people scaring you about college,I keep having the feeling of slacking off,getting sick,having a headache,throwing up because of sleepless nights,etc.The only fun thing in high school for me is having hobbies & interests,finding out who you are,trying to make friends with people who have the same music taste,inside jokes,having kinda interesting topics,& other stuff I can’t remember.Everything feels so messed up.Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to go through grade 7.Don’t get me wrong,I enjoyed grade 7 & for me it’s way better than HS,but if I didn’t go thorough grade 7 HS would start & finish earlier.I wish this would almost be over already.

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30,2010

RyRo's 24th birthday today.Gonna spam on Tumblr.Feeling kinda depressed right now because of P!ATD.Slight disappointment.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 29,2010

Seriously,1 of the most intense days ever in school.Oral quiz,during Social Studies.Everyone in class was nervous.Make 1 mistake or forget a detail,fail.Tragic day.Only 6 people in our class passed.Some almost passed,just forgot 1 detail.Some cried.One of my classmates even had the guts to say that she didn't know the answer in an intense tone.Wow,brave.Afterwards,back to normal.Math,kinda funny.During art,drew some drawing related to a song.End of the day,parent-teacher conference.Good thing my mom allowed me to eat somewhere.Came back,during the end part.Teacher's suggesting I share those random crappy songs I write.WHAT?!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24,2010

Long time no blog.I've been blogging mostly on Tumblr.( Anyways,been interesting these days.Last week,we had our homeroom potluck @ school.The theme,cross-dressing.(guys dress up as girls,girls dress up as guys)It was really funny seeing dude classmates in girl clothes.Laughed so hard.Fun school event so far.Celebrated my Hey Monday fanniversary.:D Lots of projects all due 2 weeks from now.So much insane stress.I'm having a seriously messed up sleeping schedule. D:
Found out that some of my new batchmates also listen to alternative/pop punk bands.Made me happy,now I can talk about music & relate. :) A while ago,went to my classmates house to work on a project.Fun.We're almost finished w/ the project.Got a bit distracted. XD Talked about really random stuff.Secrets,school,music,etc.

Monday, June 7, 2010