Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29,2009

just went home from a school activity.srsly on a saturday. O_o talked to 1 of my batchmates & to one of the sophomores.haha we became insane again.XD i kinda miss the old last night,went online on yahoo messenger,didn't care even if it was i chatted w/batchmates,complained as my status,a classmate stat?"hollywood hills & suburban thrills,hey you,who are you kidding?i'm not like them,i won't buy in"

my classmate suddenly IM-ed me.i got surprised.i didn't know that anyone else in class would be a fan of the academy is.XD so now besides me,2 other classmates are also fans.=D

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28,2009

still addicted to fast times at barrington high.XD have a school activity tomorrow.still so bored.all can say for now,i guess.

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24,2009

haven't been blogging for a long time.what can i say...had exams last studies part was really long. :-O had a few days w/ no school. :) srsly,those jokes,haha.started to listen to the academy is.awesome band & songs.XD i felt sleepy in school today.i almost ended up sleeping. :P have some social studies hw on etymology.O_o have a school activity on saturday.all i can say for now.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22,2009

just like other saturdays,the usual.a while ago ate some cookies.iPod was on shuffle so it got low i got bored,i tried to listen to some some random alternative song i've never even heard of.XD i wonder if those are catch7.maybe i'll give it a try. :P

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19,2009

so i haven't been blogging for quite some school today.tomorrow last day of exams. O_o on the brightside on friday,1 day after,no school. XD so what's been it is.
6 days ago,during science,1 of my classmates played a joke on me.(not an annoying joke,actually kinda funny)haha told that classmate that i listen to P!ATD & Hey Monday. =)) unexpected reaction,it was actually a normal 1.i was expecting shocked/surprised.last week intense,pressure,had to catch up for school stuff. O_o looking for band recommendations on that site.can't believe what the site recommended me... gonna try to listen to some of the recommendations. =))

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7,2009

finally friday.finally alomost finished w/ the math bored a while ago so i wrote songs. :P just saw the music video for fob's what a catch donnie.freaking awesome. =D too much smileys /emoticons.haha.can't believe about the news.i found out it's not even true(what the freaking crap?!),did it for attention.can't believe that dude. XD definitely gonna back up the data.2 weeks from now!!! haha O_o really hope that i'll be able to catch up,i should stop procrastinating.if i don't transfer schools by next year,(which will be sophomore year for me)then idk.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6,2009

another day passes by as usual.really weird day at school today.rained intensely.all of the other schools got suspended.we didn't,so unfair. >:( the school doesn't follow anyways.i wish there was no school tomorrow.feeling lazy. XD i just wanna stay at for fob's what a catch donnie today. =)) been chatting on yahoo messenger,suddenly chatting isn't boring today,i & my friends have codenames for other people in school. haha :P really funny codenames,btw.i'm seriously,definitely agreeing w/ my bestfriend,school's really getting feels like forever. i'm still looking for band recommendations,btw alternative/punk. XD

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5,2009

no school today =D still bored.other computer won't work.srsly what's wrong w/ that thing?! O_o what can i say...can't believe exams are in 2 weeks. :-O i really srsly need to wake one is one to talk to.why is everything so weird & reverse these days?guess this is it for now.still looking for band recommendations. XD

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4,2009

confusing day today.boring w/ a few bits of fun.XD in english,played boardgames,laughed too much. =D no school tomorrow.catching up on school work.math project,just a few parts,then recommendations,again. :P me & my curiousity again & also my expanding music taste,i guess.lots of new songs coming up again insane.i so definitely need to catch up w/ old songs.(i'm so un-updated lol)internet so freaking slow that's why it's so hard for me to catch up.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1,2009

extremely bored nothing to do.rained hard again a while ago.nothing to update.same things again & again.been a long time ever since something fun no one to talk to.a while ago saw the preview of the mv for fob's what a catch donnie.XD not much people online,i guess.everything just seems different these days.i definitely need to wake up,i'm trying to but i can't.idk why.too many stuff in school.really intense & stressing.