Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27,2009 ''You are the dreamer & we are the dream''

from now on i'm gonna add some song quote/line in my blog posts.few months ago,i decided that i wanna be a songwriter someday.also i'm currently learning how to play the guitar.songwriting's something i really want to do.why songwriting?i enjoy expressing myself.also because of music influences,especially favorite bands,the very obvious.8D (check the profile :D)currently sem break,bored as usual.can't believe it's the end of October.turning 14 on november 6. :-O time's so fast.slowly,bit by bit,my music taste's really expanding,those are srsly gonna be full.still a bit afraid of what else might happen in hs.still hard to believe that 1 semester of 1st year hs is already done.2nd sem is so gonna be intense,academics,programs,& everything else.i wonder when i'll upload more videos on youtube,it's been really long ever since i uploaded.i'm really just clueless & random when it comes to blogs i guess.this is all for now.

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26,2009

back.haven't been blogging for a while because of school.what's been happening?really had long days & overload @ school.had to do projects,hw,tasks & stuff like that.hs is really intense.they're not kidding when they say it's tough.not just academics,but everything else,like friendships,social life,pressure,etc.wonder if hs is fun at all.sometimes i wonder how it's fun,when it seems to be hard.even my batchmate agrees.lots of problems that's why.others can be so mean & unfair.how i can even survive?

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9,2009

Intense day @ school today.Had to jog a lot of rounds during PE.Can't believe we had to do a debate that had to do w/ a story we're currently reading.Clueless.Just said whatever came out of my mind.Have to watch a play tomorrow.Make-up classes(long fridays)until december @ school.Yesterday,classmate gave me a new musician nickname. XD haha lol The 1st musician nickname,(ask me if you want to find out)really insane.XD 2 weeks from now,2nd quarter exams. :-o Have to catch up on schoolwork.Afraid of what my grades will be.What if I fail?And don't transfer next year? :'-(

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2,2009

Haven't been blogging for a while.What's been happening?Lots of days w/o school.Almost endless intense weather.Can't believe my classmate told me that I remind her of some dude.XD Definitely gonna be overloaded w/hw,projects,tasks,etc,when going back to school. D: What I've been doing for the past days w/o school?Just usual,polls,quizzes on Twitter.Catching up w/tv shows,forums,Etc.Finally have a MySpace.Nothing much interesting in my profile yet.Facebook.Been playing games there.