Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6,2009 "These are the fast times"

birthday today,finally fast did time go by?can't believe this is where i am now.everything changing.from personality(sort of),interests,favorite stuff(:D),what i wanted to be,etc.when i was small i wanted to be a doctor,then a writer.but now i want to be a songwriter. :> before i was extremely boring & too serious(sort of haha lol)now i don't care what other people think.when i'm w/ my real friends,i'm taste,before i would only listen to pop rock(or sometimes pop),now i listen to alternative,pop punk,sometimes i can't believe that my music taste would suddenly expand.i couldn't imagine myself listening to that kind of music & those kinds of bands.XD lots more years to face.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2,2009 "Some people never change,they just stay the same way"

Can't believe it's already November.4 days to b-day.sometimes people can be so's like they just get hurt by something so little.there r some people,who,if others have a different opinion,they get mad.what the freaking crap.those kind of people are so arrogant,& it's really annoying.they think that they're so superior,it's like they can't accept correcting,opinions,constructive criticism,etc.they make lots of excuses,hmmm...w/o their excuses & their so called "friends",let's see how they'll do.they think the world revolves around them.yes,this is my intense side.sorry to be harsh & no offense.