Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31,2010

No song quote thingy title for now.Time for me to blog again.Haven't been because of lots of stuff to do,cluelessness,etc.
Anyways,insane a lot these days.3 weeks ago,March 9,went to Paramore's concert,so freaking awesome.1st concert finally.Insane crowd.Very crowded there & it was in an outdoor venue.Could not help but rock out. :D I wish they could've performed more songs,'cause they mostly played hits. :-/ Anyways,still best concert so far.1 week & 3 days after,March 19,Friday,1st day of 4th quarter exams.Weekend,rest & review for 2nd & 3rd day. :-/ 2nd day,another stressing day,Filipino,Social Studies.Me & classmates going all: "Oh no,we're going to fail!" Yes,because those 2 subjects are really freaking hard,& well most of us fail.3rd day,Math,got confused,w/ all of the insane things to remember.Kinda finished early,so had to go outside the classroom,wait & be bored until 4:00 pm comes.1 day after & the 2 days following, boredom.School fair,our class made the 2 younger batches,play the boardgame.(which was the Math project of our class).1 day complete boredom,evaluation on whatsover stuff & clearance for school year.Then 1 day after,summer officially begins.1 horrible year of HS is finally finished.Kinda had that glorious feeling. XD
Kinda feeling the nostalgia already,even though I didn't like SY:2009-2010 that much,but still.
P.S. :Sorry if I flooded your dashboard/homepage w/ Q & A from Formspring.

What was the best concert you went to?

Paramore's concert which was on March 9 @ SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds.So far the best one. :D

Ask me anything

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hi Cheese! Long time no chat :D I'm April remember?? :D Musta??

Hello.I'm okay,just have only 1 week for school left.Being bored,browsing internet,Etc.How about you? :D

Ask me anything

Monday, March 8, 2010

What music are you listening to today?

Right now I'm listening to Paramore's album All We Know Is Falling. :)

Ask me anything

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What's your favorite sport?

None,I'm not into sports.

Ask me anything

Who inspires you the most?

Family,friends,favorite bands.I really look up to them. :>

Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

A lot.Here in the Philippines,Metro Manila.In the U.S.,a lot,Los Angeles,Chicago,New York,& many more,even though I haven't been in the U.S. yet,but still nice. ;)

Ask me anything

Who's the funniest person you know?

Again,a lot.Relatives,friends,some classmates & batchmates. :D

Ask me anything

If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

Wow.A lot.I'm going to Paramore's on March 9.Some others I want go to are(but haven't),FOB,P!ATD,The Killers.And probably my other favorite bands that aren't that popular here,but still are awesome. 8D

Ask me anything

Who's the most talented person you know?

A lot.Too many to write down.To mention some,I guess some of my relatives,friends,classmates.

Ask me anything

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Before I wanted to be a doctor. XD
Now I want to be a songwriter/lyricist. ;)

Ask me anything

If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?

Global warming,I guess.

Ask me anything

If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?

A lot of people,family,friends,online friends,etc.places,a lot. :)

Ask me anything

What's your favorite genre of music?

Alternative,Pop Punk,Powerpop,Pop Rock

Ask me anything

will you come and meet me, at the CS concert on trinoma on the 26th? :D

Won't be able to go,have some school activity on that day.But I'm going to Paramore's concert on March 9. XD \m/

Ask me anything