Monday, May 3, 2010

Music isn't about trends...

Few months ago,my brother told me that I should listen to those singers these days whose songs are played on TV & radio all the time.He said,”Makisabay ka sa uso.” (“Follow what’s in the trends.”) Disappointing.Some people only listen to music just to fit in,they only like the artists who are on the charts.When they hear about an artist who doesn’t chart,they say “That artist sucks.” Shame.Seriously,since when was music just a trend? Music is expressing through feelings.And besides everyone has their own taste when it comes to music.One of the reasons why I don’t like it when others say my music taste is weird.(in a bad way) Oh really,me listen to the music/artists on the charts.Sorry & No Offense but most of the popular music these days are too repeatitive.(Not saying that everything mainstream is horrible,they’re a few good or okay stuff)Wow,just because an artist isn’t exactly popular & not in the “trends” or whatever,they’re not any good?!