Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24,2010

Long time no blog.I've been blogging mostly on Tumblr.( Anyways,been interesting these days.Last week,we had our homeroom potluck @ school.The theme,cross-dressing.(guys dress up as girls,girls dress up as guys)It was really funny seeing dude classmates in girl clothes.Laughed so hard.Fun school event so far.Celebrated my Hey Monday fanniversary.:D Lots of projects all due 2 weeks from now.So much insane stress.I'm having a seriously messed up sleeping schedule. D:
Found out that some of my new batchmates also listen to alternative/pop punk bands.Made me happy,now I can talk about music & relate. :) A while ago,went to my classmates house to work on a project.Fun.We're almost finished w/ the project.Got a bit distracted. XD Talked about really random stuff.Secrets,school,music,etc.

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