Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31,2009 "if only time flew like a dove,we could watch it fly & just keep looking on"

Insane & fun Christmas vacation.1 week before christmas day,had a christmas program in school.Our batch recited poems about peace.True,i kinda agree w/some classmates & batchmates.Best one ever.Had to do HW. D: Finally got to play more songs on guitar.(alternative songs.i'm only a beginner in playing the guitar)Christmas eve,usual w/ family.(dad's side)i counted to midnight.(for the 1st time i think XD)Christmas day,always fun,of course.This time w/ family in(?) mom's side.I always have fun times w/ cousins.Walking around,trying to play guitar w/ them.A day after that,1 of my cousins,(mom's side)went to my house for a sleepover.Usual randomness.3 days ago,went to mall w/ cousins.(mom's side again,we're really close)Walking around,ate too much.Talked about random,funny stuff.Really laughing a lot.Also happy new year to anyone who's reading this.Still can't believe it's almost 2010.1 of the things i can say is:almost 2010 already,it was just like yesterday that 2008 ended & 2009 just began.(from my twitter)feels like days ago that our batch was going to graduate elementary then go to HS.Then suddenly we're already in HS.And well everything that happened during 2008-2009.Almost seemed endless. Q & A

If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?

I would go back to the past & to lots of places.

What would your dream job look like?

My dream job would be me being a songwriter.Writing songs with my favorite bands.haha LOL XD

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6,2009 "These are the fast times"

birthday today,finally fast did time go by?can't believe this is where i am now.everything changing.from personality(sort of),interests,favorite stuff(:D),what i wanted to be,etc.when i was small i wanted to be a doctor,then a writer.but now i want to be a songwriter. :> before i was extremely boring & too serious(sort of haha lol)now i don't care what other people think.when i'm w/ my real friends,i'm taste,before i would only listen to pop rock(or sometimes pop),now i listen to alternative,pop punk,sometimes i can't believe that my music taste would suddenly expand.i couldn't imagine myself listening to that kind of music & those kinds of bands.XD lots more years to face.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2,2009 "Some people never change,they just stay the same way"

Can't believe it's already November.4 days to b-day.sometimes people can be so's like they just get hurt by something so little.there r some people,who,if others have a different opinion,they get mad.what the freaking crap.those kind of people are so arrogant,& it's really annoying.they think that they're so superior,it's like they can't accept correcting,opinions,constructive criticism,etc.they make lots of excuses,hmmm...w/o their excuses & their so called "friends",let's see how they'll do.they think the world revolves around them.yes,this is my intense side.sorry to be harsh & no offense.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27,2009 ''You are the dreamer & we are the dream''

from now on i'm gonna add some song quote/line in my blog posts.few months ago,i decided that i wanna be a songwriter someday.also i'm currently learning how to play the guitar.songwriting's something i really want to do.why songwriting?i enjoy expressing myself.also because of music influences,especially favorite bands,the very obvious.8D (check the profile :D)currently sem break,bored as usual.can't believe it's the end of October.turning 14 on november 6. :-O time's so fast.slowly,bit by bit,my music taste's really expanding,those are srsly gonna be full.still a bit afraid of what else might happen in hs.still hard to believe that 1 semester of 1st year hs is already done.2nd sem is so gonna be intense,academics,programs,& everything else.i wonder when i'll upload more videos on youtube,it's been really long ever since i uploaded.i'm really just clueless & random when it comes to blogs i guess.this is all for now.

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26,2009

back.haven't been blogging for a while because of school.what's been happening?really had long days & overload @ school.had to do projects,hw,tasks & stuff like that.hs is really intense.they're not kidding when they say it's tough.not just academics,but everything else,like friendships,social life,pressure,etc.wonder if hs is fun at all.sometimes i wonder how it's fun,when it seems to be hard.even my batchmate agrees.lots of problems that's why.others can be so mean & i can even survive?

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9,2009

Intense day @ school today.Had to jog a lot of rounds during PE.Can't believe we had to do a debate that had to do w/ a story we're currently reading.Clueless.Just said whatever came out of my mind.Have to watch a play tomorrow.Make-up classes(long fridays)until december @ school.Yesterday,classmate gave me a new musician nickname. XD haha lol The 1st musician nickname,(ask me if you want to find out)really insane.XD 2 weeks from now,2nd quarter exams. :-o Have to catch up on schoolwork.Afraid of what my grades will be.What if I fail?And don't transfer next year? :'-(

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2,2009

Haven't been blogging for a while.What's been happening?Lots of days w/o school.Almost endless intense weather.Can't believe my classmate told me that I remind her of some dude.XD Definitely gonna be overloaded w/hw,projects,tasks,etc,when going back to school. D: What I've been doing for the past days w/o school?Just usual,polls,quizzes on Twitter.Catching up w/tv shows,forums,Etc.Finally have a MySpace.Nothing much interesting in my profile yet.Facebook.Been playing games there.

Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4,2009

still so bored as usual.catching up already.finished w/some tasks,just need submitting.still have a few overload.failed in math exams. O_o have to write a story.found out score in filipino exams.passed.gonna start guitar lessons tomorrow.lots of birthdays.srsly.birthday after birthday.greeting.birthday mentioning in Twitter.XD

Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29,2009

just went home from a school activity.srsly on a saturday. O_o talked to 1 of my batchmates & to one of the sophomores.haha we became insane again.XD i kinda miss the old last night,went online on yahoo messenger,didn't care even if it was i chatted w/batchmates,complained as my status,a classmate stat?"hollywood hills & suburban thrills,hey you,who are you kidding?i'm not like them,i won't buy in"

my classmate suddenly IM-ed me.i got surprised.i didn't know that anyone else in class would be a fan of the academy is.XD so now besides me,2 other classmates are also fans.=D

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28,2009

still addicted to fast times at barrington high.XD have a school activity tomorrow.still so bored.all can say for now,i guess.

Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24,2009

haven't been blogging for a long time.what can i say...had exams last studies part was really long. :-O had a few days w/ no school. :) srsly,those jokes,haha.started to listen to the academy is.awesome band & songs.XD i felt sleepy in school today.i almost ended up sleeping. :P have some social studies hw on etymology.O_o have a school activity on saturday.all i can say for now.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

August 22,2009

just like other saturdays,the usual.a while ago ate some cookies.iPod was on shuffle so it got low i got bored,i tried to listen to some some random alternative song i've never even heard of.XD i wonder if those are catch7.maybe i'll give it a try. :P

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

August 19,2009

so i haven't been blogging for quite some school today.tomorrow last day of exams. O_o on the brightside on friday,1 day after,no school. XD so what's been it is.
6 days ago,during science,1 of my classmates played a joke on me.(not an annoying joke,actually kinda funny)haha told that classmate that i listen to P!ATD & Hey Monday. =)) unexpected reaction,it was actually a normal 1.i was expecting shocked/surprised.last week intense,pressure,had to catch up for school stuff. O_o looking for band recommendations on that site.can't believe what the site recommended me... gonna try to listen to some of the recommendations. =))

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7,2009

finally friday.finally alomost finished w/ the math bored a while ago so i wrote songs. :P just saw the music video for fob's what a catch donnie.freaking awesome. =D too much smileys /emoticons.haha.can't believe about the news.i found out it's not even true(what the freaking crap?!),did it for attention.can't believe that dude. XD definitely gonna back up the data.2 weeks from now!!! haha O_o really hope that i'll be able to catch up,i should stop procrastinating.if i don't transfer schools by next year,(which will be sophomore year for me)then idk.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6,2009

another day passes by as usual.really weird day at school today.rained intensely.all of the other schools got suspended.we didn't,so unfair. >:( the school doesn't follow anyways.i wish there was no school tomorrow.feeling lazy. XD i just wanna stay at for fob's what a catch donnie today. =)) been chatting on yahoo messenger,suddenly chatting isn't boring today,i & my friends have codenames for other people in school. haha :P really funny codenames,btw.i'm seriously,definitely agreeing w/ my bestfriend,school's really getting feels like forever. i'm still looking for band recommendations,btw alternative/punk. XD

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5,2009

no school today =D still bored.other computer won't work.srsly what's wrong w/ that thing?! O_o what can i say...can't believe exams are in 2 weeks. :-O i really srsly need to wake one is one to talk to.why is everything so weird & reverse these days?guess this is it for now.still looking for band recommendations. XD

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4,2009

confusing day today.boring w/ a few bits of fun.XD in english,played boardgames,laughed too much. =D no school tomorrow.catching up on school work.math project,just a few parts,then recommendations,again. :P me & my curiousity again & also my expanding music taste,i guess.lots of new songs coming up again insane.i so definitely need to catch up w/ old songs.(i'm so un-updated lol)internet so freaking slow that's why it's so hard for me to catch up.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August 1,2009

extremely bored nothing to do.rained hard again a while ago.nothing to update.same things again & again.been a long time ever since something fun no one to talk to.a while ago saw the preview of the mv for fob's what a catch donnie.XD not much people online,i guess.everything just seems different these days.i definitely need to wake up,i'm trying to but i can't.idk why.too many stuff in school.really intense & stressing.

Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31,2009

last day of july.can't believe it's almost august.really intense being hs.(i'm a freshman,btw)really lots of pressure.i agree,hs really is scary. :-O i really should be serious.3 more weeks to late.other schools already finished,their exams & are already 2nd quarter.we're so late. O_o really liking p!atd's new perspective. =)) i will definitely catch up on lots of stuff,so i won't get left behind.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29,2009

"things have changed for me & that's okay"

"i wanna live life from a new perspective"

during music composition today,in school,discussed songwriting & being creative.never knew before that songwriting works like that.anyway's found out the name of RyRo & Jon's new band.The Young Veins.Heard their song already.nothing much.still have more quizzes,tasks,projects,hw.[sigh]really lots of pressure.other 1st year section doesn't have pressure.wondering why.O_o

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28,2009

just heard patd's new perspective.awesome song.everything's getting insane these many stuff,hard to catch up.can't believe this is the 7th week of being hs :-O wonder what we're gonna do for music composition tomorrow.can't believe some things aren't just safe anymore.i knew i shouldn't have if i knew.changed seating arrangement in school today.not sure why but i ended up laughing during math today.had quizzes again.

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27,2009

3 days ago,really long day.had a class party.had to prepare.theme for it-costume party.since,i had no real costume,i just wore a spongebob t-shirt XD haha lol.2 days ago,had a field trip.really long day too.i was really hungry at that time.had to wait to go home.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21,2009

today demi's here we go again. =) currently listening to hey monday's hold on of my online friends(VioletMoon) recommended me to listen to =D had 2 quizzes in english today. :-O one is about a story we're currently reading in school.other 1 is spelling.have another long task for that subject.class party on friday.field trip on saturday.yesterday,had a twitter converstation w/ 1 of my online friends.we were talking about patd's pretty odd.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 16,2009(Reply To VioletMoon)

hello VioletMoon =)wasn't able to comment on ur blog,'cause there's some error.anyways my reply.
hello.=) i'm still shocked & sad about patd's split.can't believe ryro & jon r leaving.their starting another band & their thinking of a band name.on other bands i listen too,fob(very obvious),plain white t's.all i can say for too i'm looking for band alternative/punk bands that you know that seem interesting?i wanna try listening to other decaydance bands as well haha.all i can say for now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14,2009

"just for the record the weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of a.indifference or b.disinterest in what the critics say"got nothing to do.currently listening to patd.they seriously changed plans for the album ever since they left.raining again these a cough.lots of stuff to worry about.still currently liking fob's folie a deux & patd's pretty.odd. =P why is it when i tried to put music on foe there's an error?

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13,2009

got nothing to do as usual.2 days ago heard a new patd song.awesome.intense hw in english,35 #'s.what topic/lesson?sentences.tried to compose a song last night.'cause i was bored.gonna post it here sometime.comments on the song i'm trying to write pls. thanks :) trying to do song writing for a hobby,though i don't have a plan to become a musician.srsly everything's too unfair.rained hard a while ago as usual.i just really don't like that dreaded subject.anyways gonna have heavy stuff on tuesdays.having the same lunch time w/ the other section :) gonna talk to them.really laughed intensely w/ them.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8,2009 "hey moon,please forget to fall down,hey moon don't you go down" :'(

currently listening to pretty odd again.i found out yesterday that RyRo & Jon are leaving PATD.still can't believe that they're leaving patd. =( true,definitely agreeing w/ the fact that they won't be the same anymore w/out them.if it wasn't for them,i wouldn't been able to listen to other bands like The Cab & The Hush Sound.The fact that Northern Downpour was written for their fans,awesome.I wonder if they're ever going to be the same band this time now that half of the band's already album is going to be released next year.gonna sound like a fever you can't sweat out.1 song from it is called new perspective.anyways excited for the album.still sad that they're leaving.because they have different music taste that's why.gone suddenly,just 2 albums.really going to be different,the of the saddest things i've ever heard.really just too painful to believe.listening to their songs back during a fever you can't sweat out & pretty odd,sometimes i kinda find it hard to believe that they're gone.really gonna miss the old patd.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

July 2,2009

high school's just way too studies got harder.can't take it's like heavy things that fall on me then i end up falling down.number of followers on twitter just keep declining & increasing wonder why.someone follows me permanently.some follow me then remove me then gets replaced by someone else.maybe it's because my updates sound weird. XD

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1,2009

hs is a bit boring.only one thing is composition :).giddy because of it.i'm so weird & i sometimes enjoy expressing myself that's why i chose it.and because of my favorite artists

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30,2009

"hey moon please forget to fall down."another day.replying a lot on twitter w/ one of my youtube online friends.tweeting about youtube,about layouts & copyright.ha ha lol.math is just a bit intense.makes my head spin.i'm gonna need a lot of help.rained a while ago.had no jacket.backpack was so heavy.
everything feels so confusing & weird.still can't believe already was just like yesterday we were excited to graduate,lots of pressure,etc.and now no way.days are just too short.

Monday, June 29, 2009

June 29,2009

Intense school today.In Social Studies we had long tasks.Had to look for places using a map.Some were so hard to find.Took me a long time to finish.I don't get to talk to my best friends anymore in school [sigh...]They're in a different section.Just saw the mv for demi's here we go again.not bad.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

June 28,2009

Bored.A while ago I just talked to my friends about random things & kept on laughing.I talked to another friend who I haven't seen for a long time.School again tomorrow.[sigh...XD]Finally got to sign in.No one goes online on yahoo messenger,that's something that rarely happens.All of them go online during night I guess.I definitely have to finish my homework later so I won't have to worry tomorrow.I really want to watch Princess Protection Program.I'll try to watch it on Friday or Saturday.Everything's going way too fast,but at the same time slow.I wonder what my cousins & friends are doing now.IDK.
Currently liking all of the songs from PATD's Pretty Odd.Each & every song from the album are just too awesome.Also currently liking The (Shipped)Gold Standard from FOB's Folie a Deux.Excited
for HM The Movie.Showing on July 8 here in the Philippines.I sort of wish it was still Saturday.(ha ha)
I'm guessing overload of tasks & homework.Even the start of High School is already too hard already,intense."It gets more & more intense." "Let's get these teen hearts beating faster." XD

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27,2009

saturday,did hw a while ago,really intense.they're not kidding when they say hs is intense.
still no one goes online.i'm wondering what next book i should read.almost end of june already.
gonna watch tv later.

Friday, June 26, 2009

June 26,2009

friday.finally,just bored.after 2 days of no school is insane.that might mean more homework & tasks for next week.many updates on twitter.i still can't believe i'm already in high school.time's really fast.
i'm gonna go listen to pretty odd & folie a deux while i browse around the internet.also chatting to classmates/schoolmates,talking about school.