Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31,2009 "if only time flew like a dove,we could watch it fly & just keep looking on"

Insane & fun Christmas vacation.1 week before christmas day,had a christmas program in school.Our batch recited poems about peace.True,i kinda agree w/some classmates & batchmates.Best one ever.Had to do HW. D: Finally got to play more songs on guitar.(alternative songs.i'm only a beginner in playing the guitar)Christmas eve,usual w/ family.(dad's side)i counted to midnight.(for the 1st time i think XD)Christmas day,always fun,of course.This time w/ family in(?) mom's side.I always have fun times w/ cousins.Walking around,trying to play guitar w/ them.A day after that,1 of my cousins,(mom's side)went to my house for a sleepover.Usual randomness.3 days ago,went to mall w/ cousins.(mom's side again,we're really close)Walking around,ate too much.Talked about random,funny stuff.Really laughing a lot.Also happy new year to anyone who's reading this.Still can't believe it's almost 2010.1 of the things i can say is:almost 2010 already,it was just like yesterday that 2008 ended & 2009 just began.(from my twitter)feels like days ago that our batch was going to graduate elementary then go to HS.Then suddenly we're already in HS.And well everything that happened during 2008-2009.Almost seemed endless.

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