Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13,2010 "I can feel the pressure,it's getting closer now"

I know,it's really been a long time that I haven't been blogging because of school & I'm just clueless on what to blog about.So insane these days.3 weeks ago,had 3rd quarter exams.Failed in science. D: Week after that,4th quarter.So much pressure,seriously.Lots of overload @ school as usual.Yesterday,had a school fair.Sort of interesting.I wanted to go check out the other stuff in there but I was so sleepy.I feel so misunderstood,seriously.Anyways,bad news,found out that we have a HS dance,& us freshman students,have to go. D: I don't want to go 'cause well,I just don't enjoy dancing,dressing up,& all that other stuff.Me & some of my batchmates we're planning to go,but NOT dance.Worst part,we have to dance.I keep saying that I won't come,but classmates keep on saying:"You have to go." Come on,it already bores me out.So many things that others expect @ this point of life.Social life?!I'm fine with just having a few good friends,me staying @ home,etc.I just prefer it that way.Well I guess,this is it for now.

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