Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28,2010 "I'm guessing this is growing up"

3 songs I'm relating to right now:Turn It Off-Paramore,Coffee Break-FTSK,Practice Makes Perfect-CIWWAF.Those songs definitely say what I feel right now.So hard to believe everything that's happening right now.All the change & pressure.This is the part where everything changes,life,school,friends,family,interests,etc.As usual,as I always say,busy.Just when I think everything's okay,more stuff comes in.No one ever said ever said growing up was easy.Tomorrow's March already.Summer's coming near here in the philippines.4th quarter's going way too fast.Can't believe the 1st year of HS is already over.Crap.February 28,& I haven't even gotten a ticket for Paramore's concert.Might go,if grades will improve.If that's even possible.Some people say I'm intelligent/smart,well truth is I'm NOT.I'm not dumb or stup!d either,just average.But well,I wasted it.Became so interested in other crap,such as technology,alternative music,etc.Sometimes I kinda think that I've disappointed others.They just say that it's okay.How do others even balance,being smart,yet still interested in those stuff I mentioned.I think they're secretly perfect.What the fudge.Sometimes I wish it was sort of back to the old days.New change is kinda scary.

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