Friday, November 12, 2010

Misplaced words & a sinking feeling. November 12,2010

I really don’t enjoy being in high school.I’m just not experiencing the fun stuff that’s supposed to happen.There’s so much pressure,lots of stuff to do,people scaring you about college,I keep having the feeling of slacking off,getting sick,having a headache,throwing up because of sleepless nights,etc.The only fun thing in high school for me is having hobbies & interests,finding out who you are,trying to make friends with people who have the same music taste,inside jokes,having kinda interesting topics,& other stuff I can’t remember.Everything feels so messed up.Sometimes I wish I didn’t have to go through grade 7.Don’t get me wrong,I enjoyed grade 7 & for me it’s way better than HS,but if I didn’t go thorough grade 7 HS would start & finish earlier.I wish this would almost be over already.

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