Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dec. 23,2010

2 days until Christmas... Merry Christmas to everyone! :D
Haven't been online because of the extremely crappy connection.Had the class Christmas party last Thursday.Pwned last year's.2 days after,I found out that the Farro brothers were leaving Paramore.(gonna blog about it later.)Also, we had the Christmas program at school.I was very late because my brother said it wouldn't start early,so I missed the our class performance.Rained on that night,kinda boring & it finished too early.Last year's was way better.Like most people,I'm still not feeling that it's nearly Christmas.I'm not sure why,but maybe it's because time is too fast.Wow,how far did my procrastination go?
Had to finish & submit most of that crap yesterday.Thank goodness,I wasn't alone.Turned out that my classmate had stuff to work on too.I have to be serious when it comes to school if I'm gonna transfer to St.Paul QC next school year.Definitely freaking sucks that my school has to give HW every year during Christmas vacation.How the heck am I going to enjoy Christmas when there is school work to be done? 3rd quarter is still gonna continue on January.

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